General Terms and Conditions

Deze pagina is voor het laatst aangepast op 22 januari 2024 (Annuleringsregeling).


These terms and conditions apply to every offer, treatment, class and transaction between Bewust in Balans met Baukje and a client to which Bewust in Balans met Baukje has declared these terms and conditions applicable.

Effort Bewust in Balans met Baukje

Bewust in Balans met Baukje will carry out the treatments and classes to the best of its knowledge and ability and in accordance with the requirements of a professional and on the basis of the knowledge at that time.



Bewust in Balans met Baukje lists all prices of treatments, classes and products visible on the website. The reported prices include VAT. Prices on flyers and other promotional material are valid until the end of the term if stated. When no term is stated, the prices as stated on the website apply.

Clients can pay directly online, by invoice, via a payment request or in cash on the spot during the appointment. Classes must be paid in advance.

For course days, payment must be made 14 days prior to the course. If registration takes place within that time, payment must be made immediately upon registration.

10-time card

Ten-time discount cards are personal and non-transferable. The card is valid for one year. Missed classes can be made up within the valid period.

Young people between the ages of 16 and 23 can purchase a discount card with a special rate. For this, a valid ID must be brought with you to the first lesson.


The price of a monthly subscription is based on 40 weeks per year. This includes all holidays and days off. The membership is collected by direct debit and continues until cancelled. The notice period is two months and must be submitted in writing. Memberships are personal and non-transferable. 



The client must report the absence of an appointment as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours prior to the appointment. If the client fails to comply with this obligation or fails to do so on time, Bewust in Balans met Baukje may charge the entire amount for the agreed treatment to the client. If the client comes into the studio more than five minutes later than the agreed time, Bewust in Balans met Baukje may shorten the time lost on the treatment and still calculate the entire agreed amount. If you arrive at the studio more than fifteen minutes later than the agreed time, Bewust in Balans met Baukje can cancel the appointment.

Bewust in Balans met Baukje must notify the client if they are unable to attend an appointment as soon as possible prior to the appointment. To do this, the client must state the telephone number when booking the appointment.

Cancellation of multi-day course

In the case of a multi-day course, the day on which the student is not available can be moved free of charge to a course of a later date or canceled 14 days in advance. If the course is canceled within the 14-day period, the price will be charged according to the table below. If the multi-day course has already started, no refund is possible.

more than 14 days before date0,00%
14-7 days prior to the multi-day course start date course 50,00%
7-3 days prior to the start date course75,00%
3 days or less prior to the course100,00%

Annulering eendagscursus

Bij een eendagscursus (van 5 of 6 uur per dag) kan de cursist de cursusdag 7 dagen voorafgaand kosteloos verzetten naar een latere datum of nog annuleren. Als de cursus binnen de termijn van 7 dagen wordt geannuleerd, wordt volgens onderstaande tabel de prijs in rekening gebracht.

langer dan 7 dagen voor datum0,00%
7-3 dagen voorafgaand aan de startdatum meerdaagse cursus 50,00%
3-1 dagen voorafgaand aan de startdatum course75,00%
1 dag of minder voorafgaand aan de cursus100,00%

Annulering afspraken, groepslessen en workshops door cliënt:

Bij een individuele afspraak, groepsles en workshop (van maximaal 3 uur) kan de cliënt tot 24 uur voorafgaand kosteloos verzetten naar een latere datum of nog annuleren. Wordt een afspraak, groepsles of workshop korter dan 24 uur voorafgaand geannuleerd door de cliënt dan wordt de les in rekening gebracht.

Annulering groepslessen door Bewust in Balans met Baukje:

Wanneer een groepsles geannuleerd wordt door Bewust in Balans met Baukje dan mag de les ingehaald worden op elk gewenst moment tijdens de wekelijkse lessen.

Voor abonnees geldt dat de les ingehaald mag worden op elk gewenst moment tijdens de wekelijkse lessen óf tijdens de Heart Chakra Meditation óf abonnee krijgt €10,00 korting op een workshop of individuele sessie (tot 3 maanden na datum geldig).

Annulering afspraken en workshops door Bewust in Balans met Baukje:

Wanneer een individuele afspraak, workshop, eendagscursus of een meerdaagse cursus geannuleerd wordt door Bewust in Balans met Baukje, dan kan er een nieuwe datum gepland worden of is terugbetaling mogelijk.


Personal data and privacy

Before the first treatment or class, the client provides Bewust in Balans met Baukje with all data, which Baukje Willems indicates are necessary or which the client should reasonably understand are necessary for the careful implementation of the treatments and lessons. Bewust in Balans met Baukje takes over the personal data of the client in a client file. Bewust in Balans met Baukje treats the client's confidential data in accordance with the guidelines in the General Data Protection Regulation. Bewust in Balans met Baukje will not sell or rent the client's data to third parties without the prior written consent of the client.


Bewust in Balans met Baukje is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information that the client has communicated during the treatment. Information is considered confidential if this has been communicated by the client or if this follows from the nature of the information. The confidentiality lapses if, on the basis of a legal provision or a court decision, the specialist is obliged to provide the confidential information to third parties.


Bewust in Balans met Baukje is not liable for damage of any nature whatsoever, caused by the fact that the specialist relied on incorrect and/or incomplete information provided by the client about relevant physical disorders, use of medication, product allergies, work or leisure activities. Bewust in Balans met Baukje is not liable for loss, theft or damage to personal property that the client has brought to the practice or the retreat center. Bewust in Balans met Baukje cannot be held liable in any way for accidents and/or injuries that occurred during participation in the lessons.


Bewust in Balans met Baukje
Provincialeweg 74A
5503 HJ Veldhoven
KvK 66041309
VAT NL001464272B45

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