
Buddhist meditation is a technique used to calm, focus and observe the mind. There are different forms of Buddhist meditation, the most famous of which is mindfulness. This form of meditation focuses on being present in the moment, observing what is happening without judging it.

The goal of Buddhist meditation is to train the mind deal with stress, emotions and a troubled mind. By meditating regularly, you develop concentration, inner peace and a better understanding of your own mind.

Buddhist meditation can be practiced by anyone and is not just for Buddhists.

Meditation course

During the Buddhist Meditation course you will learn techniques to calm your mind. So that you gain insight into the source of unrest, emotions and your patterns, so that you can change them.

After this course you can independently work with meditation and / or join the Sangha.

This training is suitable for beginners and for anyone who is already involved in meditation, but wants to learn Buddhist meditation.

The program:

  • 09:00 – 09:30 Lecture
  • 09:30 – 10:15 Meditation
  • 10:15 – 10:30 Break
  • 10:30 – 11:00 Lecture
  • 11:00 – 11:45 Meditation
  • 11:45 – 12:00 Closing

Costs: €40.00 p.p. Including a snack during the break and e-book (Dutch) with the lectures and meditation.

Sangha Veldhoven

Sangha Veldhoven

Meditating together is easier than alone. In a group, a Sangha, you relax more quickly and it is easier to meditate than when you sit at home in a room where your daily life takes place.

On Monday evenings we meditate together. This meditation is very suitable for beginners, so don't hesitate to come if you've never meditated before. The door is open from 7.15 pm and the meditation starts at 7.30 pm. We start with a topic from Buddhist philosophy and then meditate in silence for 45 minutes. Afterwards there is time for tea and conversation.


  • Losse les: €16,00
  • Online class: €13.75
  • 10-time card: €137.50
  • Membership 1x p.w.: €42.50 p.m.
  • Membership 2x p.w.: €80.00 p.m.

The subscription price is based on 40 weeks per year.


  • Monday 19:30 - 21:00 PM

There are no classes during holidays. See holiday schedule. As a member you get access to the video lessons (in Dutch) so that you can continue to practice at home.

You can join for free at Sangha Veldhoven on Facebook In the E-book Stories from the Sangha (Dutch) you can read the lectures and practise the meditation.

Heart Chakra Meditation

The Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata, is the energetic center located in the center of the chest. It is the fourth chakra and represents love, compassion, unity and acceptance.

When the Heart chakra is open and balanced, we feel love and connection with others and the world around us. Blockages in this chakra can lead to feelings of loneliness, sadness and separation. It is therefore important to devote sufficient time and attention to opening and balancing this powerful chakra.

The Heart Chakra Meditation of Karunesh is based on meditations from Sufism. It has six phases, the first four of which consist of simple movements. You will be guided by me and the music and we will finish with a sitting meditation and deep relaxation. Afterwards there is time for tea and conversation.

Kosten: €16,00 p.p. (Als je een strippenkaart hebt, wordt deze les daarmee verrekend. Abonnees betalen €13,75).

Meditation videos (Dutch)

Below you will find various meditations, recorded by Baukje.

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