
A massage balances the body, mind and whole energy. Bringing back awareness in the body, calmes the mind and restores the energy.

Massage therapy

The massage combines different Eastern massage techniques. This massage techniques are used on energy (Sen) lines, muscles, tissue, meridians, chakra's and pressure points. The body shows me where the blockage is and I will use the right technique, so that your body can relax and regenerate.

You can choose between three different massages: Energetic massage, deep massage and yoga massage. The massages are therapeutical and bring physical, mental and emotional balance

Please note: the practice is currently fully booked. That's why there is currently a pause for new customers. You can register for the waiting list.

Energetic massage

Massage is more than just loosening muscles. It is the basis of body-oriented attention that is also reflected in meditation and yoga. The Energetic massage is also referred to as meditation massage.

This gentle massage releases all stress from your body through gentle touch, pulses, vibration and energy work. Not only the physical body, but also the energetic body through the pleasant massage and gentle movements.

This massage is given over clothing.

60 minutes - €60.00

Deep massage

This firm massage combines different Eastern massage techniques and energy work that are used to increase the self-healing capacity of the body. The body shows me where the blockage is and I will use the right technique, so that your body can get to work with this energy.

The deep massage increases circulation, relieves muscle tension and balances the body and mind. By using different techniques such as kneading, vibration, pressure, stroking and energy work, the energy and blood circulation will improve and body wil detoxify so you relax both body and mind.

This massage is given with oil on the bare skin.

60 minutes - €60.00
90 minutes - €90.00

60 minutes - €60.00

Yoga massage

In mijn centrum gebruik ik drie technieken om in balans te komen; massage, meditatie en yoga. De yogamassage is een combinatie van deze drie.

With this massage I bring your body into different (easy) yoga postures. During stretching, the muscles are massaged and loosened with pulses, vibration and energy work so that they relax. You experience where your blockages are and get to know the limits of your body and mind. So that you can let go where it is possible and accept where it is not. Then you can relax both physically and mentally.

During the yoga massage you wear flexible pants and a t-shirt/top.

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