
Yoga is much more than just a physical exercise. Yoga is a holistic approach to health and wellness that balances the mind, body and energy.

Please note: the yoga groups are currently full. You can register for the waiting list.

Yoga allows you to experience deep connection with yourself. As you become aware of your breath and your body, let go of your thoughts and create a sense of calm and clarity. This has positive effects on both mental and physical health.

In addition, yoga also has a therapeutic effect. It may help reduce chronic pain, improve sleep quality, strengthen the immune system and promote digestive health. Yoga can also serve as a valuable aid in recovering from injuries and reducing anxiety and depression symptoms.

In short, yoga is much more than just an exercise. It is a lifestyle that helps people achieve balance and improve their overall well-being. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced yogi, practicing yoga can have a positive impact on all aspects of your life.

What yoga is for

  • peace and balance in body and mind
  • better posture and flexibility
  • a better sitting posture (during meditation)
  • recognize and resolve patterns and blockages
  • gain insight into the collaboration between body and mind
  • getting to know yourself

Of course, this requires practice. You have to learn what a purely physical block is and what an emotional block is. With 10 minutes of daily practice you can achieve a lot and the combination of yoga with meditation speeds up the process.

At a private yoga session, I can teach you various postures in which you can recognize and solve blockages. You gain insight into the collaboration between body and mind. Because we work one-on-one, you get exactly what you need. You can then continue to do the exercises at home.

There are also weekly classes and yoga day retreats where you work with postures and meditation in a small group.

Yoga class

Hatha yoga with Buddhist philosophy as a guideline.

This yoga class is suitable for everyone. Whether you are experienced or inexperienced, flexible or stiff, fat or thin, male or female or otherwise identified , yoga is for everyone!

The groups are small, so individual attention is high. Lessons can be given in Dutch and English.


  • One class: €16.00
  • 10-time card: €138.00
  • Membership 1x per week: €44.00 per month
  • Membership 2x per week: €83.00 per month

The subscription price is based on 40 weeks per year. The lesson lasts an hour and afterwards there is time for tea.


  • Tuesday 10.00 - 11.00 AM (FULL)
  • Wednesday 8.00 – 9.00 PM (FULL)
  • Thursday 8.00 – 9.00 PM (FULL)
  • Friday 10.00 – 11.00 AM (FULL)

There are no classes during holidays. See holiday schedule. If you participate in the yoga classes of Bewust in Balans with Baukje, you can log in to the members page for the video lessons.

Chakra Yoga Day

Chakras can be seen as energy points in the body. By learning to understand the energy of your chakras, you can use it to heal yourself through yoga postures that focus on a specific chakra area.

The seven chakras

  1. Root chakra: earth, safety, foundation
  2. Sacral chakra: relationships, movement, creativity, pleasure, sexuality
  3. Solar plexus chakra: energy, self-esteem, perseverance, willpower
  4. Heart chakra: love, compassion, gratitude, trust
  5. Throat chakra: expression, cleansing, expression, authenticity
  6. Third eye chakra: intuition, knowing, visualization
  7. Crown chakra: spirituality, consciousness, unity

Chakra out of balance

If you have problems within a chakra area, it does not necessarily mean that the corresponding chakra is out of balance. It can also come from an upper or lower chakra, causing the energy to not flow properly in the problem area. That is why it is good to do a yoga series for multiple chakras.

During the Chakra Yoga Day we do meditative and physical exercises focused on the seven chakras. So that you experience where there is imbalance and learn how to restore balance.

The program:

  • 10:00 – 10:30 Start and lecture chakra’s
  • 10:30 – 11:15 Chakra yoga and meditation: Chakra 1 and 2
  • 11:15 – 11:30 Short break
  • 11:30 – 12:30 Chakra yoga and meditation: Chakra 3, 4 and 5
  • 12:30 – 13:15 Lunch break
  • 13:15 – 14:15 Chakra yoga and meditation: Chakra 6 and 7
  • 14:30 – 15:00 Finish

A snack during the break and a (vegetarian) lunch will be provided.

Costs: €85.00. Includes e-book (Dutch).

Workshop Duo Yoga

This special session is designed to deepen connection, both with yourself and with someone else. Whether you come together with a partner, a friend or a family member, duo yoga invites you to move, breathe and relax together.

During the workshop we work with playful and supportive yoga postures where collaboration is central. This not only helps to make the body flexible and strong, but also to strengthen confidence, communication and balance. You do not need to have any experience with yoga, everyone is welcome, regardless of level or flexibility.

Together we create a safe and relaxed atmosphere with room to discover, laugh and enjoy. Join us and experience how yoga together can be even more fun and powerful!

You can only register for this activity as a duo of adults
Costs: €45.00 per couple.

Private class

It is also possible to book an individual yoga class. Great if you're just starting out, but also if you want to deepen your knowledge. I teach you various postures in which you can recognize blockages and learn how to solve them. You gain insight into the collaboration between body and mind. Because we work one-on-one, you get exactly what you need. You can then continue to do the exercises at home.

60 minutes - €60.00

Yoga videos (Dutch)

Members page

You can log in to the members page if you participate in the yoga classes of Bewust in Balans with Baukje.

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